1.1 What is the special thing about cannabis or hemp?

Cannabis is an ancient agricultural plant that can be used to make paper, ropes and textiles. Cannabis grows everywhere, revitalizes soils with its strong roots and does not need pesticides because it can defend itself. Cannabis is the only drug that can give you a high without being processed and it is healthy at the same time.

1.2 What is the difference between cannabis, marijuana and hemp?

Cannabis is the Latin name of the plant genus, well the exact name is Cannabis sativa. Hemp is the English name for the plant and is used nowadays to describe cannabis varieties containing less than 0.2% THC.

These varieties are used industrially to produce fibres, textiles or plastic substitutes and oil with the seeds. Nowadays there are also hemp varieties that are mainly used for the production of CBD. Marijuana is the term used for female, unpollinated buds that have high THC values and are used because of their psychoactive effect. Marijuana is also called grass, weed or ganja. Hashish, on the other hand, is resin pressed from female flowers.

1.3 What is medicinal cannabis or medicinal hemp?

Medicinal cannabis is currently used to describe the cannabis varieties that are subject to the Narcotics Law because of their high THC content, but are cultivated as a medicinal plant because of their high therapeutic value. The main difference to common cannabis varieties is the cultivation method, which follows strict rules to make the result standardized and reproducible. The plants are cultivated from cuttings under almost sterile conditions indoors using the hydroponic method and made available to patients against prescription.

1.4 What is THC and CBD?

THC and CBD are the two most common cannabinoids of the cannabis plant. THC or more precisely 9-tetrahydrocannabinol is psychoactive, i.e. consumption gives a high, while CBD cannabidiol has no such effect. THC is therefore only available on prescription as a medicine and is otherwise prohibited, while CBD is completely legal. Both molecules have multiple health benefits and are obtained as extracts from the flowers.

1.5 What is the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil?

Hemp oil is obtained by cold pressing hemp seeds in an oil mill and, like linseed oil, it is a normal foodstuff. Hemp oil is very healthy due to its polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, both of which are contained in hemp oil. This oil does not naturally contain cannabinoids such as CBD or terpenes unless it is enriched with them.

CBD oil is an extract obtained from the buds containing CBD or a carrier oil enriched with CBD. CBD oil should have a THC content of less than 0.2%, otherwise it is illegal. CBD oil is anti-inflammatory and can help against headaches, stress-related restlessness and anxiety. It is also medically tested as an antiepileptic and for its use against various tumours. CBD oil is completely harmless and has no toxic effects, even when heavily overdosed.

1.6 How do I consume CBD Oil?

CBD oil can be trickled drop by drop directly under the tongue or mixed with food or dissolved in a drink. There are also CBD oils that can be vaporized in vaporizers specially designed for this purpose. However, you should be careful with this, because oils that are inhaled always have the risk of lipid pneumonia, a pneumonia caused by deposits of oil particles. This danger does not exist with e-Liquids, which are composed of propylene glycol and glycerine mixed with CBD.

1.7 What are the benefits of CBD for me?

CBD is anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and calming. It can help to calm down and concentrate in case of test anxiety or stage fright. In general it is a good treatment for anxiety and stress-related restlessness. It can also be used as a sleep aid. CBD contributes to a generally better well-being and promotes the organic balance (homeostasis). It is used medically against certain tumours, epilepsy and pain.

1.8 How do I feel after taking CBD?

CBD does not cause a high and therefore is completely legal. It works in different intensities and should therefore be administered in small doses and then more and more until the desired effect is achieved. It generally has a relaxing and calming effect, can help focus and eliminate anxiety. One feels loosened and relaxed.

1.9 How does CBD work?

CBD is a cannabinoid that interacts with the body's own endocannabinoid system. We have CB1 and CB2 receptors spread throughout the body to which the cannabinoids of the cannabis plant dock and produce their various effects. Although there are individual cases in which, for example, skin tumours have been eliminated with cannabinoids, there is little general knowledge about the mode of action of cannabinoids. However, worldwide research is underway to find out more about the positive effects of cannabis and its direct influence on our bodies.

1.10 Do I have to be afraid of drug tests with CBD?

No. CBD is not a drug in the conventional sense. Drug tests only evaluate THC, the psychoactive substance of cannabis. Even with CBD extracts which meet the legal limits of THC and contain 0.2% THC, these amounts are too small to be detected in a drug test.

1.11 How do I dose CBD?

The correct dose depends on many factors, such as body weight or intake before or after a meal. In general, we recommend starting with a small dose and then slowly increasing the dose until the desired effect is achieved.